Apr 18, 2009

Talking to Boys About Sex

Should the conversations parents have with sons about sex, manners and respect be any different than the talk they have with their daughters?

In today’s “18 and Under” column, pediatrician Dr. Perri Klass explores whether special lessons are needed for boys versus girls.

It has never been easy for adults to deal with young teenagers honestly and sensibly on this subject, and it isn’t easy now. We live with an endless parade of hypersexualized images — and a constant soundtrack of adults lamenting children’s exposure to that endless parade. There’s increasing knowledge of dating violence, including well-publicized celebrity incidents. And there’s always a new movie to see about how adolescent boys are clueless, sex-obsessed goofballs. Stir it all together, and you may get an official worldview in which boys are viewed as potential criminals and girls as potential victims.

Read the full column, “Another Awkward Sex Talk: Respect and Violence,” and then please join the discussion below. Can boys benefit from special lessons on manners, respect and sex? Or should every child receive pretty much the same sex talk from parents?

Source: well.blogs.nytimes.com

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